Bird of Paradise CC328

CODE: 54032801


An intense turquoise color that gives you all the summer vibes. Named after a flower that resembles summer and warmer climates. It is the color you want the ocean to be. This color works very well with Lavish Lilac and Marigold if you want to get creative.


TRIND Caring Color is a range of caring nail polish that keep nails in optimal condition. The nail polish contains active ingredients that contribute to the additional strength of nails, while maintaining the effect of the nail care treatment and protecting the nail. Use TRIND Caring Colors in combination with the nail care products of TRIND for the best results.


Tips for the best results: Start by applying a layer of TRIND Caring Base Coat on the natural nail to protect the nail and smooth nail surface. Continue by applying one or two coats of the desired TRIND Caring Color Nail Polish. Allow to dry. Last but not least, protect your manicure with TRIND Caring Top Coat or Nail Brightener (to intensify the color). Are you in a hurry? Use a few drops of TRIND Quick Dry after applying TRIND Caring Top Coat.